You've seen the vials of little tablets and Whole Foods, but what's the story with them?

Origins and History
Samuel Hahnemann is the father of homeopathy. He studied medicine in the 1770's but found it boring so he went off traveling to the artistic capital at the time, Vienna.
In Vienna he worked under Dr. Quarin, the personal physician to the empress and other noteworthy patients. Eventually Hahnemann finished his medical degree and established his own practice in 1780.
In 1780 we still did things like bloodletting and other barbaric tortures in the name of medicine. Hahnemann experienced them as inhumane and began to study chemistry. Naturally this led to the marriage of the chemist's daughter and they led an almost nomadic life with Samuel being a traveling doctor. Nine children later she probably said enough.
In 1789 Hahnemann had the idea of his life's work and began experimenting on himself. He called this modality Homeopathy based on homois (similar) and pathos (disease). This was expanded by the principle of similia similibus - like treats like.
Hahnemann outlined his healing methodology with three principles.
1. Prevention - removal of the causes of disease.
2. Palliative - contra contraris - healing by opposites
3. Preferred - similia similibus - healing of likes with likes
In 1810 he published The Organon of Rational Medicine and if you are interested there are literary groups dedicated to that text.
Hahnemann lived to be 88 which is a feat during this time period and homeopathy is his legacy.
The first medical association in the United States was the American Institute of Homeopathy, unfortunately it is not good war-time medicine and it's practice all but died in war times.
Currently, interest in this form of medicine has become revitalized and we may see more use of this practice in time.

Many remedies are made from the very things that make us ill. They are dissolved in alcohol or ground up into fine particles then diluted and diluted and diluted. The level of dilution is inversely proportional to the potency of the remedy. The concept is that once all the other stuff has been removed you are left with the energetic essence of the substance and that energy is the curative force.
Remedies are chosen by repetorizing symptoms and consideration of patient's constitutional type. This can be a laborious process and you'll need a good Homeopathic Materia Medica (recommended: KENT or BOERICKE) and Repertory of Symptoms, here is Kent's if you want it: CLICK HERE. The online versions are nice if you can access them - it beats carrying around 20lbs of books just to find a remedy for some symptoms, there are even some apps out there if you wanted easy access.
There are 15 main constitutional types represented with dogs below (just for fun...), select remedies offered even lower.

Homeopathic Basics
for breast health and cancer
just generic information without considering your constitutional type
Click each image for complete information
and for dosing. The longer you've had the symptom the stronger the potency you will need.
Scroll down.