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Scattered Pills

You've seen the vials of little tablets and Whole Foods, but what's the story with them?

Origins and History

Samuel Hahnemann is the father of homeopathy. He studied medicine in the 1770's but found it boring so he went off traveling to the artistic capital at the time, Vienna. 

In Vienna he worked under Dr. Quarin, the personal physician to the empress and other noteworthy patients. Eventually Hahnemann finished his medical degree and established his own practice in 1780. 

In 1780 we still did things like bloodletting and other barbaric tortures in the name of medicine. Hahnemann experienced them as inhumane and began to study chemistry. Naturally this led to the marriage of the chemist's daughter and they led an almost nomadic life with Samuel being a traveling doctor. Nine children later she probably said enough.

In 1789 Hahnemann had the idea of his life's work and began experimenting on himself. He called this modality Homeopathy based on homois (similar) and pathos (disease).  This was expanded by the principle of similia similibus - like treats like.

Hahnemann outlined his healing methodology with three principles.

1. Prevention - removal of the causes of disease.

2. Palliative - contra contraris - healing by opposites

3. Preferred - similia similibus - healing of likes with likes

In 1810 he published The Organon of Rational Medicine and if you are interested there are literary groups dedicated to that text. 

Hahnemann lived to be 88 which is a feat during this time period and homeopathy is his legacy. 

The first medical association in the United States was the American Institute of Homeopathy, unfortunately it is not good war-time medicine and it's practice all but died in war times. 

Currently, interest in this form of medicine has become revitalized and we may see more use of this practice in time. 


Image by Nick Fewings



Remedies and Constitutions

Many remedies are made from the very things that make us ill. They are dissolved in alcohol or ground up into fine particles then diluted and diluted and diluted. The level of dilution is inversely proportional to the potency of the remedy. The concept is that once all the other stuff has been removed you are left with the energetic essence of the substance and that energy is the curative force. 

Remedies are chosen by repetorizing symptoms and consideration of patient's constitutional type. This can be a laborious process and you'll need a good Homeopathic Materia Medica (recommended: KENT or BOERICKE) and Repertory of Symptoms, here is Kent's if you want it: CLICK HERE. The online versions are nice if you can access them - it beats carrying around 20lbs of books just to find a remedy for some symptoms, there are even some apps out there if you wanted easy access.

There are 15 main constitutional types represented with dogs below (just for fun...), select remedies offered even lower.  

Image by Juan Gomez

Arsenicum Album

Typically restless

Slim or thin body type

Perfectionist with strong will and opinion, can appear critical and intolerant

Pessimist personality that needs to be reassured frequently

May suffer from a bit of OCD

Image by Victor Grabarczyk

Argentum Nitricum

An extroverted, emotional, problem solver

Frequently anxious or stressed which can lead to impulsive behavior

Typically a busy individual who may not get the most sleep

Physically appears older than actual age due to self induced worry

Tends to have a fairer complexion

Image by Apostolos Vamvouras

Calcarea Carbonica

A plump individual who may appear tired frequently

Sensitive and quiet

Easily gains weight, metabolism is sluggish

Can be fearful of failure and may require a lot of motivation to succeed

Might be considered lazy, but generally have a calm demeanor 

Image by Charles Deluvio


Hearty and rugged individuals with great appetites

Usually have dermatologic problems or rough, chapped or easily cracked skin

Dark and dry hair, sometimes with dandruff

Easy to blush

Stuck in their ways and sometimes irritable about it

Image by Ignacio R

Ignatia Amara

A high strung moody individual - sometimes like an emotional roller-coaster 

Often slender with bags below the eyes

These individuals easily succumb to addictive behaviors

May be tired and sigh frequently

Respond well to encouragement but may not function well or at all when stressed.

Image by Rafael Forseck

Lachesis Mutus

A creative type that has difficulty with jealousy

Usually of paler complexion with freckles mixed in

Piecing eyes with strong expressions

Talkative type but sensitive to too much audio stimulation

Very ambitious with a busy mind - may be prone to ADHD

Image by Maria João Correia

Lycopodium Clavatum

Tall individuals with often thin hair, women tend to have wide hips

A flair for the dramatic

Avoids commitment and situations in which failure is possible

Insecure and resistant to changes

Involuntary twitches sometimes and furrow lines on forehead

Image by Cynthia Smith

Mercurius Solubilis

Medium built person prone to perspiration

Has difficulty trusting others and struggle with their own feelings

May have deep rooted insecurities about self and does not do well with critics

Stuttering or stammering in speech is common

May be prone to SAD or chronic fatigue

Image by Jen Vazquez Photography

Naturm Muriaticum

Solidly build individuals with medium to dark hair

Generally cheerful outwardly

May not address their emotions and deal with bouts of depression

Smart and academically successful

Career minded and well suited for professional life

Image by Erda Estremera

Nux Vomica

A slim easily excitable individual who might appear tense

Can suffer from overindulgence leading to addition of substance or flesh

Active personality who can be easily bored

Prone to competitiveness

Easy to anger and finds relaxation challenging

Image by Jeremy Tremblay


Tall, slim and lanky with a keen eye for style

May be artistic and creative; generally fun to be with but sometimes demanding

Expressive and affectionate

Prefers to be in the spotlight or the center of attention

Sometimes fear of darkness remains into adulthood

Image by Matthew Fournier


A gentle, kind soul with rosy complexion. 

Might be slightly overweight but tends to appear younger than actual age

Not assertive and at times indecisive

Friendly and well liked and supported by others

Tends to weep easily

Image by Andrei Castanha


Often tall and sometimes elegant

Dark hair with brown eyes

Can be irritable and easily take offense

Sometimes aggressive with those they love most

Dislikes crowds but prefers company rather than solitude

Image by Helena Lopes


Slim, thin individual with a large forehead, sometimes head appears too large for body

Generally petite appearance with doll like, delicate features

Prone to cracked lips and brittle nails

May suffer from mental exhaustion and lower confidence

Not overly sporty or competitive

Image by Ariana Suárez


Slim with an unkept appearance, may have poor posture

Mentally cluttered and therefore has difficulty with task completion

May be critical and enjoy arguing

Tends to be more energetic in the evening

Mechanically inclined and intelligent

Alternative Medicine

Homeopathic Basics

for breast health and cancer

just generic information without considering your constitutional type

Click each image for complete information

and for dosing. The longer you've had the symptom the stronger the potency you will need.

Scroll down.

Homeopathy Basics for Boobs
Image by Jaël Vallée


The Honey Bee

Reduces edema and inflammation, helpful for mastitis and post radiation irritation.

Image by Dmitry Bukhantsov


Deadly Nightshade

A great woman's remedy and may help with cyclical breast tenderness as well as many other menstrual ailments.

Image by Markus Spiske


Wild Hops

Helpful if pain in breast feels likes it is being torn apart or if it feels incredibly heavy or hard. Useful in suppressing milk flow during lactation as well.

Image by Ricardo Gomez Angel


Thumbnail of the Horse

Used for cracked and sore nipples, swollen breasts. Reduces breast itching and areolar redness.
May be helpful for papillary lesions.

Image by Marek Piwnicki


Poison Hemlock

Great for breast soreness, reduction of inflammation and female cancers, specifically GYN more than breast.

Image by Bekky Bekks


Dog's Milk

Reduces the sensation of fullness in the breast, helps to relieve pressure. 

Helps with weaning to dry up milk.



Pokeweed Plant

Useful for reduction of stinging breast pains with lactation, helpful for treating painful and hard lumps.




Post operative remedy. Promotes recovery of tissues and may help to sooth post-op pains. 

Image by Benjamin Lambert



Indicated for breast pain associated with fever.  

Also useful to reduce sharp pains associated with breastfeeding.

Image by Christina Rumpf


Leopard's Bane

Especially useful in dealing with physical injury, post biopsy, post surgical, also for sepsis.




Used for bruising or trauma to deep internal structures in the abdomen, breasts or trunk.

Image by Wes Hicks


Garden Marigold

Useful for open wounds and post operative healing. 

Used as an intercurrent cancer remedy, between constitutional remedies. 

Image by Aaron Burden


German Chamomile

Good for inflamed nipples as well as a mental and emotion remedies. 

Used for children complaining of breast tenderness.



Croton Oil/Jamaal Gota

For shooting pains during breastfeeding. Specifically for pains that extend into the back. 

Image by Sonika Agarwal



For use with ulcerated and sore nipples or if you have painful discharge and are not currently nursing. 

Image by 8kka ame


Wind Flower

Effective for treating breast lumps in younger women - like fibroadenomas if they are painful. Also helpful for weaning.

Image by Will Turner


Cuttlefish Ink

Helpful with yeasty rashes that sometimes form under the breast.

Acts best on brunettes. 

An important uterine remedy.




Remedy is gears to relieve post operative itchiness or pain in the surgical bed. 

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content by BOSOMii © 2024

illustrations  and web design by Roundhouse Acres © 2022

original art credited to artists listed on page, contact owner for permissions for personal use. 

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